
Hi, I’m Haley

I’m a wife, and stay-at-home momma to three boys with a passion for living a simpler life.

I believe that our home should be the center of our family. It should be the place we learn, work, laugh and love together. Not just where we lay our head after running in opposite directions all day.

On this blog you’ll find topics that cover a wide range of things that embrace homemaking and Christian living. Recipes, printables to help you get organized, DIY projects, and Bible study resources.

So, friend, if you are like me, and want to take hold of the beautiful life God has given you and want to find joy in caring for your home and all the people in it – I hope you’ll join me here!

Fun Facts About Me

I’d rather be

reading a book

grateful for

a simple life

listening to

a podcast

Favorite place

the mountains

my weekends

worship & rest

favorite season

round loaf of homemade bread on parchment paper

An unlikely homemaker…

Honestly, I never saw myself in this role. I always thought I would work outside of the home. I was well on my way to building a career in the finance world. But as usual, God knew more about what I really needed.

So, long story short – I left my career behind and became a stay-at-home wife. It wasn’t easy and being a homemaker didn’t come naturally to me. I knew nothing about cooking from scratch & little of home management.

But over the years, I’ve found my way as the keeper of our home – all the while harnessing my natural strengths and talents. These years of being a homemaker have been full of both refinement and joy.

And now, I want to share that joy with you! I hope to show caretakers of the home that there is so much value in these roles. I want to equip you to better manage the home, while not losing sight of the real reason why we do these things.

Because homemaking is about so much more than cleaning and cooking. It’s about creating a place where we laugh, love and grow as a family.

I’d love to hear from you…

I love hearing from my readers. If I can answer any questions or if you would like to work together, send me an email at [email protected].