ACTS Prayer Model with Free Printable Worksheet

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Learn how to pray using the ACTS prayer method in this post. Be sure to grab your digital download for a free prayer worksheet down at the bottom of this post.

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ACTS prayer worksheet sitting on white table top with flowers and coffee next to it

I’m back today to discuss a popular prayer model that you’ve probably heard of in your Christian circles. 

First, we’re going to take a closer look at the ACTS method of prayer – what it is, how to implement in your prayer life.

 And at the end of the post, there is a free printable ACTS worksheet that you can grab for your prayer journal.

 So, let’s jump into it!

What is the ACTS Prayer Model?

 ACTS is a simple acronym that is meant to help guide you during your prayer time. It stands for:

  • Adoration
  • Confession
  • Thanksgiving
  • Supplication

 The acts prayer acronym is based on the aspects we see in the Model Prayer in Luke 11. This is where Jesus Christ “models” how we are to pray.

 “Father, Your name be honored as holy, Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone in debt to us. And do not bring us into temptation.” Luke 11:1-4 HCSB

I especially love this model because instead of just jumping straight into our own prayers for personal needs, we first spend time reflecting on the goodness of God – and then we move into out God-centered requests. 

How to Pray the A.C.T.S Prayer Model


 The first letter in the A.C.T.S model, stands for Adoration of God. You are opening your daily prayers by praising the Character of God. You can find Bible verses of adoration all throughout scripture, but I especially love going to the book of Psalms to help guide me in this.

If you’re not sure how to reflect on God’s character, I have the perfect guide on the Attributes of God. Print it out and keep it with your prayer worksheet. Free Printable of God’s Attributes


 The next step is confession of sins. This is where we come before the Lord with a humble heart to confess our shortcomings and failures. We can ask for wisdom and strength to overcome them. We already know that we have God’s forgiveness because of Christ Jesus, but we should always desire to put to death any sin in our life. 


The third step is Thanksgiving. This is where you can thank God for the little things and the big things in your life. Give thanks for His mercy, grace, and forgiveness. There is no limit to what you can give thanks for!

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, be sure to check out these Free Printable Bible Thanksgiving and Gratitude Verse Cards I offer. 


This is where you will bring your prayer requests before God. This can your own personal needs or

the needs of others. Ask for guidance on navigating situations in life. Ask for physical or spiritual needs to be met. Bring every need before God, trusting that He is a good Father who cares for us.

Sample Prayer using ACTS Method

Heavenly Father,

I praise you for your steadfastness. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. Despite my failures and flaws, you are always faithful to your promises. You have been there in every dark season, every trial and tribulation, and I am in awe of your greatness.

Lord, I ask that you forgive me for all the times that I doubt your goodness. For the times when I want to trust in my circumstances more than I trust in your promises. May I be reminded by the Spirit every day that you are good, that you care for me, and that your plans are better than mine.

I thank you God for this life you have given me. You have blessed me abundantly with a loving family and friends who desire to see Your name go out to all the world. You have given me day after day, to grow and to be sanctified by You.

I bring my children before you this morning Lord. Give them soft hearts – hearts that desire to know you and serve you all the days of their lives. As they grow and the worries and temptations of this world surround them, I pray that they would remain rooted in you. Give me the wisdom and ability to lead them in all of your ways. Strengthen me on the hard days and remind me that this is important work.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Do I Have to Use the Model Prayer to Pray?

Absolutely not. Prayer can (and should) happen anytime and anywhere. 

But there are definitely seasons of life where having some structure helps. And for new believers, prayer can sometimes be overwhelming or confusing. That’s where helpful acronyms like this ACTS model come in to offer help.

So, some days you may break out all of your favorite Bible journaling supplies and write in your prayer journal.

Then other days, you may just sit quietly, pouring your heart out to the Lord, listening for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the day, any resource or worksheet that is related to prayer should have one purpose. And that is to draw you into a more intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father

Get Your Free Printable ACTS Worksheet Here!

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