Free Monthly Budget Printables You’ll Love

Keep track out how much money you bring in and your monthly expenses with this free printable budget worksheet!

This has been a month of creating free printables. In fact, I’ve already posted a biweekly paycheck budget sheet, expense tracker and monthly bill tracker. 

Today’s printable is another money management resource. My hope is that these free printables will set you on track to meet your financial goals.

And I know…there are apps out there to track expenses. But I’m a pen and paper girl. I enjoy sitting down with my planning supplies and going over my household budget.  

So, at the end of this post, you’ll find a monthly budget planner that you can print. You will be able to use it month after month. You’ll be ready to get your personal finances under control, hit savings goals, and so much more!

​How to Use a Personal Monthly Budget Template

Let’s take a quick look at how to best use this simple budget printable. 

The first thing you’ll notice is a notes section at the top. This is a great place to make note of any special expenses that may come up that month. Things like a birthday party, doctors’ visits, or a due date on an annual bill.

Monthly Income Section

This is where you record all of your earnings for the month. List out the income source and the expected amount under budget. You can list out income from all sources here – paychecks, child support, side hustles, etc.

Debts, Expenses, and Other

The next two sections are for budgeting out recurring and variable expenses. 

Under the debts section, you can list out things like car payments, credit cards, and house payments. Expenses would be things like your food expenses, utilities, and gas. 

You’ll also notice a section titled “other”. This is where you can list out expenses that may only apply to a single month or things like spending money. Basically, it’s a section to catch those items that don’t have another designated spot on the worksheet.


​Use this section to start setting aside money for your savings account. You can also make a line for your emergency fund if that is something you need to set up.

Sinking Funds

Sinking funds are a great way to set aside a little bit of money each month to go towards big expenses. You can set aside money for things like annual taxes or insurance, Christmas, and even vacation.

Whatever those big, every so often, expenses are that you have – make a sinking fund for it!

End of the Month

Making your budget is only part of the process. Actually sticking to the budget is what matters, right? So, at the end of every month, you need to take a closer look at what you actually spent.

To do this, you’ll make note of the actual amount you spent for each category. You’ll see this box next to each line, right beside the amount you budget for.

At the very bottom of the page, you’ll see a summary box. This will let you have a quick picture overview of what you budgeting for verses what you spent. Now, you can see what you need to change up next month!

How to Make a Zero-Based Budget

A zero-based budget is an approach to budgeting that means that your total income minus your total budgeted expenses equals zero. This means that every dollar you earn, has a designated use.

Creating a zero-based budget using these printables is easy! Once you get to the summary section and see what your “remaining funds” are, designate a spot for those funds.

Apply it to debt, split it between a couple categories, or put it in savings. It depends on your personal financial picture. The main point is that you know exactly where every dollar is going.

Enjoy the Budgeting Process

Budgeting isn’t necessarily fun – but you can make it more enjoyable by having some cute (and practical) supplies! Here’s a few of my favorite supplies that I use while budgeting and planning.

  • Mr. Pen Pens – These pens write nice and look nice.
  • Mr. Pen Highlighters – No color printer? No problem! Some highlighters can allow you to color code your budget.
  • Pretty Binder – 3-ring binders are perfect for creating your own custom planners or budget binders. They have plenty of room for your budgeting worksheets, bills, and supplies!

Love Free Budget Printables?

Be sure to check out all of my free printable budgeting worksheets. You can make your very own budget binder today!

  • Monthly Spending Logs – Track your monthly spending by category with this simple spending log.
  • Bill Payment Trackers – Keep up with due dates, amount due, and more!
  • Biweekly Paycheck Budgeter – See exactly what bills and expenses you can cover out of each paycheck with this simple biweekly paycheck budgeting tool.

Get Your Free Monthly Budget Page Here!

When you click the link below, you’ll get your printable in two different styles. One in black and white and one with a little color. These pages are set to print on US letter size paper (8.5X11 inches).

Print as many copies as you need, just remember these printables are for personal use only and should not be used for commercial purposes.

Click Here to Download Your Budget Pages

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