Free Printable Bible Reading Plan for Holy Week
Use this free Bible reading plan to guide you through scripture during Holy Week. You’ll find 8 days of reading, plus journaling prompts and a free printable.

Hey y’all! I’m so excited to get you guys set up with this free Bible reading plan printable. Creating free printables and Bible study resources is why I have this blog. And since we are quickly approaching Springtime, I thought it would be the perfect time for to work on a guide for Holy Week.
This 8-day Bible reading plan will guide you through passages from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, helping you focus on the life, death, and triumph of our Savior. Whether you read these scriptures on your own, with your family, or as part of your devotional time, my prayer is that they will draw you closer to Christ during this sacred season.
To make it even easier, I’ve created a free printable of this Holy Week reading plan so you can keep it handy for daily reflection. Download it below and journey through Holy Week with a heart fixed on Jesus!
How to Use this Holy Week Reading Plan
You’ll simply read the Bible verses I’ve listed below and then spend some time in reflection & prayer. We will be focused in on the last 8 chapters of the book of Matthew that guide us through the events of Holy Week. You’ll also find corresponding Old Testament prophecies.
Free Bible Study Resources to Grab
You can also use one of these free Bible study printables if you choose. The different methods of study and prayer will help guide you each day of the reading.
Bible Reading Plan for Holy Week
We are going to spend the next week reading through the events of Jesus last week of life here on Earth. While the readings don’t perfectly align with the Holy Week calendar, they do allow us to spend time savoring all of the teachings Jesus saw fit to leave with us in His final days. Let us learn from His examples, rebukes, and teachings.
Day 1: Palm Sunday – Jesus Triumphal Entry
Our journey begins on Palm Sunday, marking the start of Jesus’ last week on earth. On this day, we will read of Jesus’ triumphal, yet humble, entry into Jerusalem. We also read of Jesus cleansing the temple complex from those seeking to make a profit off of worship and see the Pharisees indignation growing.
I like to slow down while I read these passages and really think of the growing tension in the crowd of people. They were desperate for the Promised Messiah – and here He was. But the Pharisees were afraid and determined not to lose their influence and power over the people. Imagine the cries of hope and rejoicing, mingled with those of fear and doubt.
Read: Zechariah 9:9; Psalm 118:26-29; Matthew 21
Reflect: Lord, as I reflect on Your triumphant entry into Jerusalem—greeted with shouts of “Hosanna” and the spreading of cloaks and branches—help me to welcome You into my heart with the same reverence and joy. Where in my life do I need to make room for Your presence, and how can I proclaim Your kingship in my everyday actions?
Day 2: Holy Monday – Jesus Teaches in Parables
In today’s reading we will see Jesus teach perfectly on the commands of God, while the Pharisees and Sadducees do their best to cause Him to speak in error or speak against Rome. We read the Parable of the Wedding Banquet, a disagreement between the Sadducees and Pharisees on the resurrection, and more.
Read: Psalm 110:1; Matthew 22
Reflect: In the passage, many invited guests were distracted by their own pursuits, ignoring the invitation. Consider your own life: What worldly concerns or distractions might be keeping you from fully embracing God’s kingdom?
Day 3: Holy Tuesday – Jesus Teaches and Confronts Hypocrisy
This day centers on Jesus’ authoritative teachings and His rebuke of religious hypocrisy. We also see Him lamenting over the rejection of His people. Passages like this, where Jesus is teaching in a very stern manner, can be difficult sometimes. But it is so important that we remember He is rebuking these behaviors because they are hindering God’s children.
Read: Matthew 23
Reflect: Are there areas in my life where I’m either placing unnecessary burdens on myself or others? What steps can I take to serve and support those around me with genuine love and humility?
Day 4: Jesus’ Teaches on the Days to Come
Jesus’ final days were spent teaching us of many things, and today’s passages are about the days to come. Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple, teaches on the signs of the end of the age, and predicts persecutions. But as always, He doesn’t leave us without hope.
He also reminds us that He is coming back for His followers. We are reminded to be ready always and work diligently as a faithful and sensible slave.
Read: Daniel 7:13-14; Psalm 91:1-2; Matthew 24
Reflect: What steps can I take to anchor my faith more deeply in God’s word, so that I remain unshaken by false promises and deceptive voices?
Day 5: The Last Supper – Maundy Thursday
Yes, I did intentionally skip chapter 25 (we will come back to it). I wanted to jump ahead to Matthew 26, so that tomorrow on Good Friday, you will read the account of Jesus crucifixion and death.
Today can be seen as the tipping point in the life of Jesus. We see betrayal and evil at work in the heart of Judas Iscariot, but we also see a beautiful act of sacrifice and devotion from a woman who anoints Jesus’ body for burial.
We also see our humble savior, washing the disciple’s feet, in an act of love and service and the implantation of communion at the last supper. There is much to learn in this section of reading, so slow down and savor the teachings of Jesus.
Read: Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26
Reflect: How can I offer my best to Jesus—whether through my time, resources, or acts of kindness—even if it might not be understood by those around me?
Day 6: Good Friday – Jesus’ Crucifixion and Death
Good Friday is the heart-wrenching climax of the Holy Week narrative. On this day, we reflect on Jesus’ crucifixion and His sacrificial death—a moment that forever changed the course of human history.
As you meditate on the sorrow of Jesus’ death, remember that this act was a deliberate, selfless act of love meant to redeem us from sin. The religious leaders, Jewish leaders, and chief priests all played a role in this dark chapter, yet their actions ultimately paved the way for the resurrection and our salvation.
Let the gravity of Good Friday move you to gratitude and deep reflection on the magnitude of God’s grace.
Read: Psalm 22:7-8; Psalm 22:16-18; Matthew 27
Reflect: Contemplate the suffering and humiliation Jesus endured and offer thanks for His unfathomable love. Pray that His sacrifice fills your heart with gratitude and leads you to live a life marked by sacrificial love and unwavering commitment to His teachings.
Day 7: Holy Saturday – The Waiting and Silence
We are going back to chapter 25 now.
This section of scripture is full of beautiful parables teaching us how we are to live, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as we await the return of the Son of Man. Which is such a beautiful thing to reflect on while we are waiting to read the resurrection account of Jesus.
In today’s reading we see God’s approval of those who are always prepared for His return, those who are faithful with a little or a lot, and those who care for the needs of those around them. Likewise, we see God’s disapproval of those who waste their days in foolishness, those who are selfish, and those who see the hurting people around them, and do nothing to help.
I can’t help but wonder what the early followers thought as they heard these teachings. Did they fully grasp why these teachings were so important? After Jesus was crucified, did they spend this day thinking back to the words Jesus had spoken?
Read: Psalm 90:12-15; Matthew 25
Reflect: How am I using the talents, gifts, and resources that God has entrusted to me? Are there areas in my life where I might be hiding my potential out of fear, or where I could invest more boldly in God’s kingdom?
Day 8: Resurrection Day / Easter Sunday
Today is a day of rejoicing as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This is the day when the empty tomb stands as a triumphant testament to the victory over sin and death. The gospel accounts burst forth with the glorious news that Jesus, the Son of God, had risen from the grave. Celebrate this day with the knowledge that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you, empowering you to live a renewed life for His glory.
Read: Matthew 28
Reflect: Reflect on how Jesus reassured the women by saying, “Do not be afraid,” and on His promise to be with His followers always. Pray for a renewed sense of His presence in your life. Ask for strength to trust Him in every circumstance, to feel His guiding hand in times of uncertainty, and to know that His peace surpasses all understanding.
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That’s it friends. I hope this is a blessing to you. If you would like to grab the free Holy Week Bible Study in printable format, click here!