Free Printable Christmas Bible Trivia for the Whole Family!

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Looking for something fun to do this holiday season that’s focused on Jesus’ birth? Print this Christmas Bible trivia games for a fun, Christ-centered, family game night!

printable pages of Christmas Bible trivia questions

Since becoming a mom, I love coming up with fun ideas for the Christmas season. I love doing activities that keep our eyes on the true meaning of Christmas and don’t cost a fortune.

That’s why these Christmas Bible trivia questions are so great. They are completely free and fun for the whole family. 

I’ve tried to include a variety of question types to keep it fun for everyone. There are general Christmas Bible quiz questions, as well as some more difficult questions.

You’ll also find a few “guess the famous Christmas song question” and true/false trivia cards. 

Be sure to grab the printable cards down at the bottom of the post!

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How to Use Free Printable Bible Trivia Quiz

This Christmas quiz is meant to be a fun way to spend some time with your family members and friends this holiday season all while keeping the focus on the birth of Jesus Christ.

Feel free to use this game at home, in your Sunday School class, or youth groups.

Split into teams (boys verses girls, adults verses kids, etc.) or play it Jeopardy style where each player has to “buzz in” to have a chance to answer. This set of 4 buzzers is perfect and budget friendly!

For each correct answer, award a point. Keep going until you’ve made it through all the cards and then tally them up to see who your winner is. 

printable bible trivia christmas cards

​When to Play Your Christmas Bible Trivia

There is no right or wrong time to play this free game! If reading with young children, or anyone who may not be familiar with the biblical account of Jesus life, maybe take some time to read through the Bible first. 

This is a great way to spend some time in God’s Word in the days leading up to Christmas day. Then, once everyone has a good understanding of the Bible account, play this fun quiz style game!

If you’re looking for a good free advent reading plan for your family to follow – check this one out!

List of Christmas Bible Trivia Questions

General Bible Knowledge:​

  • What two books of the Bible give an account of Jesus’ birth? Gospel of Luke and Matthew
  • Is the story of Jesus’ birth found in the Old Testament or New Testament? New 
  • What does Immanuel mean? God with us
  • What Old Testament prophet prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin? Prophet Isaiah
  • Where do we find the prophecy about where the Messiah will be born? Micah 5:2
  • What is the name of Mary’s cousin who was pregnant at the same time as Mary? Elizabeth
  • ​What city was Jesus born in? Bethlehem
  • How did the wise men know where to find Jesus? They follow the star.
  • What title did the wise men call Jesus by in the book of Matthew? King of the Jews
  • What direction did the wise men come from? The East
  • How did the shepherds hear about Jesus’ birth? An angel of the Lord appeared to them.
  • When Joseph discovered Mary was pregnant, he wanted to…Divorce her privately.
  • What is the name of the angel who came to Mary in a dream? Gabriel
  • What did the angel tell Joseph to do in his dream after Jesus had been born? Flee to Egypt.
  • Where did Mary lay baby Jesus after He was born? In a manger
  • What is the name of John the Baptist’s father? Zechariah
  • What are the names given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6? Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
  • What was Jesus wrapped in after he was born? Swaddling cloths
  • What did Elizabeth’s baby do inside of her when Mary greeted her? Leaped for joy.
  • How long did Mary stay with her cousin Elizabeth? About 3 months.
  • Why was John the Baptist sent ahead of Jesus? “To make ready for the Lord a people prepared.” Luke 1:17
  • What is the name of the man and prophetess in Jerusalem who rejoiced when Jesus was presented at the temple? Simeon and Anna
  • Where did Mary and Joseph flee to after Jesus birth? Egypt
  • What 3 gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus? Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
  • What were the shepherds doing when they heard about Jesus’ birth? Tending their flocks
  • The birth of Christ is referred to as The… Nativity Story
  • Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem before Jesus birth? They had to go to their hometown to be registered for the census.
  • What prophet said “our of Egypt I will call my son”? Hosea
  • Who was the King during the time that Jesus was born? Herod
list of Christmas bible trivia questions

True/False Christmas Trivia Questions:

  •  King Herod was happy to hear about the birth of the Messiah. False
  • The Bible tells us there were animals present at Jesus’ birth. False – The Bible makes no mention of animals that night, although it is generally portrayed as animals being present in Nativity Scene setups.
  • Mary would have been rejected by society as unmarried mother. True
  • The wise men arrived the night Jesus was born. False – they had to travel a long distance to meet Jesus.
  • The Bible tells us there were 3 wise men? False – there is no mention of the number of wise men. 
  • The word “Christmas” is found in the Bible. False
  • The Bible tells us Jesus was born on December 25th. False

Fun Christmas Facts/Christmas Songs:

  • What does the word “Christmas” mean? Christ’s Mass
  • When was the first recorded Christmas Celebration in history? December 25, 336
  • What Christmas hymn says  “the stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!” O Holy Night
  • What Christmas hymn says  “Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord”? O Come, All Ye Faithful
  • What Christmas Hymn says “Let earth receive her King, Let every heart prepare Him room..” Joy to the World
  • What Christmas hymn says “All is calm, all is bright”? Silent Night

Bible Verse Trivia:

  • Who said “Glory to God in the highest, and peace among those with whom He is pleased.” in Luke 2:14? the heavenly host/angels who appeared to the shepherds
  • Complete the verse: For nothing will be ______ with God. Impossible Luke 1:37
  • Complete the verse: For God so loved the world_____that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
  • Complete the verse: And the Word became _____flesh and dwelt among us..John 1:14
  • What did Mary say when the angel told her she would become pregnant? “I am a servant of the Lord, let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

​Get your Free Christmas Bible Trivia Game here!

When you click the link below, your free printable Bible trivia cards will open in a new window. You will also receive the list version of questions with the answer key. 

Simply print and cut the cards out, and you’re ready to play! 

Good Luck!

Free Printable Christmas Bible Trivia Game and Answer Key

More Free Printable Christmas & Bible Resources!

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