Free Printable Gratitude Journal Worksheets – 4 Options

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Choose from four free printable gratitude worksheets to use during your daily journaling time.

At the time of writing this post, Fall is fast approaching. Which means I am thinking back to previous years, sitting with a cup of something warm, journaling in the wee hours of morning while the house is quiet. It also means that I am seeing a big uptick in the amount of gratitude and thanksgiving content on social media. 

But giving thanks – or practicing gratitude – definitely should not be limited to just the Thanksgiving season. In fact, having daily gratitude practice is an amazing habit to cultivate year-round.

A daily gratitude journal is a powerful tool for developing positive thinking, by offering different ways to explore appreciation. You can list specific events or items or make note of feelings of joy. This variety keeps the practice engaging and personalized (more on this in a bit). 

And since I love free printables – at the bottom of this post, you’ll find a link to free gratitude worksheets that are perfect for helping you develop an attitude of gratitude. 

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Check out these other Free Resources

  • Gratitude Journal for Children – Get the entire family on board with gratitude journaling by using this kid friendly option. 
  • Gratitude Cards – This set of printable Gratitude Verse Cards are perfect for scripture memory
  • Prayer Journaling Pages – If you’re looking for a printable you can use during your daily quiet time, check out these prayer journaling printables I offer.

Benefits of Gratitude Journaling

Keeping a simple gratitude journal encourages a daily routine of reflection. By listing things, events or feelings you are grateful for each day, you develop a sense of gratitude that will shift your perspective on life. You’re choosing the reflect on the good in your life.

And that’s commendable. Because in a world where so much negativity is thrown at us daily – choosing gratitude can sometimes be difficult.

You’ll also develop a deeper appreciation for things that you may have previously missed. Little things that often go right by without being noticed start to become clearer when we take just a few moments each day to reflect.

After we give thanks for the big items – our family, friends, health – we have to think more deeply. Maybe that means giving thanks for the way the sunrise looks this morning, the sound of your children laughing, or getting to enjoy your coffee while it’s warm. When we start to notice the tiny, positive things in everyday life, the effects are far reaching.

And did you know keeping a gratitude journal could go beyond just improving your mental mindset? That’s because our mindset often time affects the decisions we make. Negativity definitely leads to stress, and stress often time leads to poor choices. By having a positive mindset, we will be better prepared to face daily challenges. 

Finally, this practice helps establish a sense of routine and consistency. Whether done at the start or end of the day, dedicating a few minutes each day of the week to gratitude strengthens its benefits over time.

How to Use Your Printable Gratitude Journal

It’s simple really. Just grab your free printable, select which layout you want to use, and start writing down what you’re thankful for!

If you’re new to journaling, it may be helpful to grab some cute journaling supplies. Here’s some of my current favorite supplies for making DIY journaling binders and planners.

  • Mr. Pen Pens – These pens write nice and look nice. You can get them in a gloss finish or matte.
  • Mr. Pen Highlighters – Highlighters are a nice way to add color to any of your printable pages.
  • Pretty Binder – 3-ring binders are perfect for keeping all of your journaling pages together.
  • Washi Tape – Washi tape is an inexpensive way to make your journal pages visually appealing.

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Not sure what to put on your gratitude list? Here are some writing prompts to help you get started!

  • What are three things that made you smile today?
  • What is something you’re looking forward to?
  • Who is someone who has positively impacted your life recently?
  • What is a small, everyday convenience you’re grateful for?
  • Write about a recent challenge you faced and how you overcame it.
  • Write about a prayer that has been answered.
  • What’s one thing you love about your current living situation?
  • Describe a moment of kindness you witnessed today.

  • What is a skill or talent you are thankful to have?
  • Who in your life makes you feel supported and loved?
  • What is a favorite memory from the past week that you’re grateful for?
  • What is one thing you appreciate about your health or well-being?
  • Write about a book, movie, or song that you’re thankful for.
  • What’s a recent accomplishment, big or small, that you’re proud of?

  • Who has been a great friend to you lately, and why are you grateful for them?
  • What is something beautiful you saw today?
  • Write about a lesson you’ve learned recently that you’re grateful for.
  • What is a hardship that led to blessing?
  • What is a comfort or luxury you’re thankful to have in your life?

  • Describe a time when someone went out of their way to help you.
  • Write about a moment that impacted the trajectory of your life.
  • What is something that you used to see as negative, but can now see how it was used for good?
  • Write about a recent positive change in your life and why you’re grateful for it.
  • What’s one thing you’re grateful for about yourself today?

Get Your Printable Gratitude Journal Here!

Click to Download Your Printables!

Happy Journaling, Friends!

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