The Best Devotionals for Motherhood

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Looking for a new devotional to incorporate into your quiet time readings? This list of devotional books, geared towards moms, will help you find something to encourage and equip you in this busy season of life.

At the time of writing this post, it’s January. Which means everyone is talking goals and plans for the upcoming year.

But I also like to take this time to assess what I would like to do better as a follower of Jesus. How can I grow in my knowledge and worship of Him? Where did I struggle at this past year in honoring Him? Did I spend enough time reading my Bible and praying?

Often times, I find that I was so busy throughout the previous year, that I really neglected certain areas in my spiritual life.

I know I’m probably not alone in that feeling. Which is why I want to get a few posts out to help encourage and equip other moms who may be struggling to find time in their busy lives to seek the Lord.

So, we’re going to start with a list of devotionals that I think are wonderful to read from before you get started on your long list of things to do, or before you lay your head down at night.

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Why Devotionals are Good

Devotionals are designed to offer encouragement and Biblical wisdom in short chapters. The short readings make them perfect for reading early in the morning, before you jump into the day’s work.

And since mornings set the tone for the day, finding a few quiet moments with God can make all the difference. I don’t know about you, but I can absolutely tell a difference in my own attitude when I spend time reflecting on the promises of God first thing in the morning.

They are also wonderful for reading from before bed. Instead of scrolling social media, you can grab your devotional book and focus your attention on the goodness of God.

Devotionals verses Bible Study

I talk quite a bit about studying the Bible on this website. So, I want to mention briefly that a devotional book shouldn’t replace any in depth reading of scripture.

The devotional books here should really be used alongside your Bible reading plan or Bible study time. There’s just no replacement for God’s Word, no matter how true the encouragement in your devotional book is.

So, if you have to pick between a devotional or reading from scripture directly, I’ll always encourage you to pick up your Bible first.

The Best Devotionals for Moms

Let’s jump into the list of motherhood devotionals. Just click the title of the book and it should bring you to the product page on Amazon.

So many of Sally Clarkson’s books are wonderful, which is why this little devotional for lifegiving motherhood has to be on this list. Every entry includes a Bible verse, a short reading to inspire and convict you, along with a question to help you reflect on the days reading.

Midnight Mom Devotional – Becky Thompson & Susan K. Pitts

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I have followed the ladies over at the Midnight Mom Devotional Facebook page for years now. I have always enjoyed their prayer prompts that have often spoken to me right in the midst of trials. And now, they have this wonderful devotional with 365 prayers, specifically for the mommas heart.

These short prayers can be prayed for yourself or the mothers you know. You’ll find prayers covering all sorts of things that mothers face such as anxiety, needing a miracle, exhaustion, and more. This is an excellent book to keep on your nightstand!

We know that praying for our children is one of the most important things we can do. And that’s why I absolutely love this devotional. It has a full year of daily devotions with scripture, plus daily prompts to help you pray for your children.

Living Open-Handed – Shruthi Parker

The complete title of this book is “Devotions for Surrendering Control and Finding Joy in the Unexpected” – and if that doesn’t sum up a lot of days in motherhood, I don’t know what does!

Interruptions, changes of pace, and just the need to set certain things aside for a season are all things that come up frequently in motherhood. This devotional helps you reflect on the face that our plans don’t always align with God’s plans for us, but we can learn to live open-handedly because we know He is a good God.

Even though this devotional isn’t geared directly at moms, it is absolutely still applicable. The 100 readings in this book are meant to guide you into the arms of our loving Heavenly Father, especially in the midst of a busy life.

This devotional offers a full 365 days of meditating on God’s word and prayer. You’ll have a short reading from the New Testament, followed by a short devotional writing and prayer, encouraging you to draw closer to God. Every so often, you’ll be prompted to write in your own prayer based on some of the scripture you have been reflecting on.

The pretty floral cover and ribbon marker make this an excellent gift idea for your small group ladies.

This devotional wants you to remember that you have someone on your side. And that someone isn’t just any someone – it’s your Heavenly Father who cares deeply about you and your daily struggles.

It includes daily readings for a full year. Paired with a journal, it makes the perfect addition to your morning time devotions and prayer time. It’s a compact little book, making it wonderful to place in a gift basket.

MomStrong 365 – Heidi St. John

Focused solely on encouraging you in the role of motherhood, this devotional includes 365 readings to carry you through the entire year. For each day of the year, Heidi provides a Bible verse, a reflective devotion, and an encouraging takeaway that every mom needs to hear.

The Better Mom Devotional – Ruth Schwenk

This devotional includes 100 readings packed with encouragement, Bible verses, prayers and reflection questions to help you grow as a mother. You’ll find topics like how God uses motherhood to change you from the inside out and the true calling of motherhood.

Life Your Eyes – Whitney Newby

This devotional is so, so applicable to moms today. We are encouraged to life our eyes from looking down (at our phone, at the toddler at our feet, at our to-do list) and to the side at what others have. But these 40 devotions will help you to lift your eyes from the trials of life, onto God’s character and strength. Full of Bible verses, personal stories and reflection questions to help you grow in your devotion to God.

Let me know in the comments what your favorite devotional books are. And be sure to check out all of the free Christian resource guides that I offer!

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