Useful DIY Gift Ideas for Homesteaders

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Looking for a gift for your homesteading friends? Check out this list of DIY gift ideas that are practical and useful for the homestead!

When it comes to selecting gifts for your homesteading friend or family members, you may be a little confused on what to get them.

That’s why I made this gift guide, full of great ideas on things you can purchase that are useful.

However, this post is dedicated to homemade gifts. DIY gifts make some of the best gifts for homesteaders. They are often practical, useful, and align with their values.

So check out this list of gift ideas that you can make right at home. You’ll find options from small to big, so there is sure to be something for everyone here!

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Handmade Gifts for Homesteaders

Click the links to read more details on each item.

  1. Essential Oil Blends
  2. Non-Toxic Beauty Products
  3. Herbal Tea Blends
  4. Beeswax Candle
  5. Homemade Soup Mixes
  6. Sourdough Starter
  7. Homecooked Meal
  8. Handsewn Apron
  9. Heirloom Seeds
  10. Cold Frame/Planter Box
  11. Garden Markers
  12. Tree Stand
  13. Custom Ornament
  14. Knitted Scarf or Hat

(See something on this list you would like to gift but don’t have the ability to make it yourself? Head to your local farmers market! Small businesses and fellow homesteaders gather here to sell handmade products and DIY projects.)

Health & Beauty Related Gifts for Modern Homesteader

These gift ideas are made by using all natural ingredients to align with your favorite homesteader’s non-toxic lifestyle.

Essential Oil Blends

If you use essential oils, consider making up a few of your favorite blends to gift to friends and family members. This is a great way to use products that you probably already have on hand to create a practical gift.

Don’t have any favorite blends? Check out this post that has TONS of ideas for Winter Blends.

Non-Toxic Beauty Products

Homesteaders are passionate about living a more natural life, so finding non-toxic options for all products they consume, or use is important. Making beauty products that align with these values is a great option for a gift!

Things like bath salts, lip balm, body butter or homemade soap are items that can be made using natural ingredients in a day or two.

You can make large batches and divide up into smaller jars and bottles so there is enough to go around. Customize your product for the skin type of each friend.

Herbal Tea Blends

If you have an herb garden, a great gift idea for you to make are herbal tea blends!

These blends make useful gifts for the tea lovers in your life. They also don’t come with a lot of additional cost – you just need something to package them in. You can make cute individual tea bags or just a big jar with a cute label.

This post has tons of herbal tea blend recipes!

Beeswax Candle

Something about a burning candle adds a sense of calmness to a room. But your typical storebought candles are usually filled with things that your homesteading friends may not want to be breathing in. Try making candles using natural ingredients, like beeswax and essential oils!

DIY Gifts for the Homestead Kitchen

It’s no secret that homesteaders spend a lot of time in the kitchen. These gift ideas are all practical and are sure to be put to good use by a homesteader.

Homemade Soup Mixes

I love the idea of gifting pre-measured ingredients! I’ve seen this done a lot with things like hot chocolate or brownie mix, but what about pre-measured soup mixes? All your friend will need to do is add the liquid and cook. This is about as convenient as it gets for a homecooked meal!

You can pick the ingredients up at your local grocery store, or for an extra special touch, use some of the food you’ve grown yourself. Include the instructions for how to prepare on a paper tag.

Here is a full list of 20 easy soup in a jar recipes that you can gift this year!

Sourdough Starter

A sourdough starter is the perfect homesteading gift for a friend who has expressed interest in baking with sourdough. You can take about 1/2 cup of your own starter and transfer it to a clean mason jar. Handwrite the instructions on how to feed and maintain the starter and include them as part of the gift.

If you don’t have a sourdough starter yourself, you can actually buy a dehydrated starter like this on Etsy. While this isn’t technically homemade by you, it is still a unique and fun gift idea!

Homecooked Meal

Another great choice for a homemade Christmas gift is the gift of a from scratch, home-cooked meal. Cook a delicious meal, with all the sides, and deliver it to your friend.

Personally, I love receiving things like this over a physical item. After a long day filled with hard work, having someone offer to provide dinner for my family sounds wonderful! And I don’t know too many people who would object to taking the night off from cooking 🙂

Handsewn Apron

If you’re able to sew, break out that sewing machine and make a beautiful new apron. This gift for the homestead kitchen is practical and will be used on a regular basis!

Homemade Garden Gifts for Homesteaders

These homemade gift ideas are perfect for the homesteader who loves gardening.

Garden Markers

Next, we have garden markers. This is a good option for your gardening friends – even if you aren’t a gardener yourself! You can make these as simple or extravagant as you please. So grab your craft supplies check out this post with tons of ideas!

Heirloom Seeds

If you are a gardener who knows a thing or two about seed saving, consider creating seed packs of your favorite varieties to gift to your friends. You can purchase little brown envelopes like this to store the seeds in, and they look nice with the name written on them.

A plus is if you have heirloom seeds with a fun family history. Maybe you have a variety of tomato or bean that has been grown in your family for generations. You can include a handwritten story of the history!

But if you’re a first-generation homesteader like myself, just the seed packs without the history will also make a well received gift!

If you like the idea of gifting seeds, but don’t have your own to pass own, consider purchasing a seed kit from Survival Garden Seeds to gift! Use code “Rooted” for 10% three collections! You can check out my full hands-on review of Survival Garden Seeds here!

Cold Frame or Planter Boxes

If you’re handy with tools, you could consider custom building a cold frame or custom planter box. Both of these gift ideas are practical and long lasting.

A cold frame allows for you growing season to be extended well into the winter months for year-round harvesting.

A custom planter box can be used for – well, planting stuff. Your gardening friend will absolutely find something that needs to go in their beautiful new planter!

DIY Christmas Focused Gifts for Homesteaders

If you want to DIY a gift that your homesteading friend can use this holiday season, here are a couple of Christmas focused ideas!

Custom Built Tree Box

I love these custom-built Christmas tree boxes. If you are handy with some basic tools, you can create a beautiful decorative box that can be used every year at Christmas time!

Custom Ornament

A custom ornament also makes an amazing gift that your friend or family member can pull out each year to hand on their tree.

Consider customizing it with their last name or the name of their farm/homestead.

Or if you have a particular art form that you are very talented at, use that talent to create something beautiful in the form of an ornament. The possibilities are endless with this one!

Knitted Scarf or Hat

A knitted scarf, hat or mittens makes a perfect gift for your favorite homesteader during the cold weather months. Get creative and customize these items for each friend’s personality or interests.

Taking the time to knit these items yourself adds a sentimental value that you just can’t get when you’re buying an item in store. Each year when cold weather rolls around and they pull these items out, they will think of you!

Don’t see anything on this list that interests you?

Don’t see a specific item on the list that will work? Here are questions to ask yourself when searching for a gift idea for your fellow homesteaders!

Is it useful and/or practical? Homesteaders are usually busy with a lot of daily tasks in order to keep things flowing smoothly. That’s what makes practical gifts so appealing to them! Anything that will help to make their daily tasks and jobs easier or smoother will make an amazing gift.

Does it align with their values? It’s no secret that a lot of homesteaders are interested in more natural, back to basic, living. They want to be good stewards of the earth and all its creatures. While brainstorming for gifts, think about things that can be made from ethically sourced or organic products. Go to your local Farmer’s Market one day and see what you can find there.

Do they have space for it? A lot of homesteaders have chosen to sacrifice space in their home in order to make this lifestyle more affordable. Just keep that in mind if you’re considering some of the larger items on this list!

Check out these other homesteading related posts:

Supplies to Raise Your Own Quail – Beginners Guide

Easy Raised Garden Bed on a Budget

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