Advent Bible Reading Plan with Free Printable

Use this free printable Advent Reading Plan to prepare your heart for the Christmas season. 

Christmas advent bible reading reading plan with red, green, and pink floral design

The month of December is full of activities and preparation for Christmas Day. And I think most of us can agree that it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of the season. 

Even the good activities – like volunteering and charity – can often times overwhelm our schedule. And before we know it, were just going through the motions without ever stopping to reflect on the true purpose of the holiday season. 

So, I’ve put together a free Advent Bible Reading Plan that will prepare you for Christmas Day – but in a different way. These daily advent readings will prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

And as you work through God’s Word, reflecting on the true story of Christmas, you will be better equipped to go out and share the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

Preview the reading plan below and grab the free printable at the bottom of the post. Merry Christmas, friends!

Affiliate disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate this means I will earn a small commission if you choose to purchase through my links. This is at no extra cost to you! Read full disclosure here.

*These reading plans are the property of Humbly Rooted Home and should be for personal use only and should not be reproduced for profit.*

What is an advent reading plan?

Most simply put, advent means arrival. For Christians, the season of advent is a time spent reflecting on the birth of Jesus. This is typically done during the 4 weeks leading up to December 25th – when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. 

But advent reading plans need not stop with the birth of our Savior. Since we are still awaiting the second coming of Christ, we can look forward to a second advent. Reflecting on the promises of what is to come fills us with hope and joy unlike anything the world can give us!

​How to Use a Bible Reading Plan

There are so many ways to use this reading plan this Advent Season! The first step is to download the daily Bible reading plan found at the bottom of this post. It provides you with your advent scriptures that you will be working though. Here are some ideas on what to do with the reading plan!

Bible Journaling

As you read through the Bible verses in this plan, take time to journal your prayers. I find that writing out my prayers really helps me to focus in. 

Bible Study

If you’re wanting to dig deeper into each of these verses, be sure to grab some of my free printable bible study guides. These printables cover a variety of study methods, perfect for individual use of a Bible study group.

(Doesn’t that sound fun?! Getting a group of ladies together weekly to reflect on Christ’s birth!)

Scripture is so, so rich. Slowing down to really study the scriptures and spending extra time in prayer gives so much clarity to what you’re reading!

5 Free Bible Study WorksheetsVerse Mapping Worksheets SOAP Bible Study Worksheets

​Advent With Kids

One of my favorite family Christmas traditions is “doing advent” alongside my kiddos. Younger kids and older kids all need to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, just like us! You can make this as elaborate or as simple as you choose. Personally, I like when the family gathers after dinner. Everyone is together already, so we take a little time to read the scripture and ask a few simple questions. 

When using this Christmas Bible reading plan with littles, it may be helpful to include Bible stories from a storybook Bible.

More Kid and Family Resources: Best Kid’s Bible BooksFree Christmas Bucket List

Layout of the Plan

I’ll be honest, almost every year I get behind a day or two on my reading plan due to life. A sick baby, a house full of guests, or other real-life scenarios. Some mornings my “quiet time” just isn’t very quiet, and I don’t have a chance to really focus in. 

Because of this, I chose not to spread the days out over the entire month. Instead, your daily readings will be slightly longer, with a built-in day for catching up as needed. 

This plan is laid out with 6 days of readings, for 3 weeks. The 6th day of each week is focused on a Psalm. The Psalms are excellent for reflecting on and praising God for all of His ways. And what better time of the year to do that than the season when our Savior was born!

The open 7th day keeps your Sundays of Advent open. Use this time in a variety of ways, while still remaining focused on Christ. 

Spend it in fellowship with the local church. Go back over what you’ve learned this previous week. Answer questions that you may have had or read longer passages of scripture. Spend extra time in prayer and worship around what God has revealed to you in your daily reading.

Free Advent Reading Plan

Week One

In order to rightly reflect on why the birth of Christ is so significant, we must first understand our need of a Savior. We will see God’s promises to redeem us that go back to the very beginning. 

Following the big picture of scripture, from beginning to end, is so beautiful. The Christmas Story didn’t just start with baby Jesus in the manger. Our redemption was planned before we even knew we had a need for it.

So, we’re going to be going to be spending time in more passages than just Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the Nativity – and I am excited! Let’s start by reflecting on the truth that Jesus is the eternal Son of God – there in the beginning. Then we will reflect on the fall and our promised redemption that started in the Garden.

  • Day 1: John 1:1-5, Colossians 1:15-20, Revelation 1:8, Philippians 2:5-10
  • Day 2: Genesis 3, Hebrew 2:14-18
  • Day 3: Romans 5:12-18, Genesis 12:1-5, Genesis 15
  • Day 4: Genesis 22:1-18, John 3:16, Romans 8:31-39
  • Day 5: Galatians 3:6-9, Ephesians 2
  • Day 6: Psalm 93,96
  • Day 7: Rest & Worship Day

Week Two

Your daily bible readings this week will focus on the story of Jesus birth, as well as some of the events that took place during Jesus’ early life. We are going to look at some of the prophecies found in the Old Testament that pointed to this event hundreds of years before it happened. We will look at the prophecies of John the Baptist and their fulfillment as well. It is so beautiful to see all of these promises come to fulfillment. 

  • Day 1: John 1:6-13, Mark 1:1-8, Luke 1:1-25, Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1
  • Day 2: 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 11:1-10, Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-24
  • Day 3: Luke 1:26-80
  • Day 4: Micah 5:2, Isaiah 9:1-7, John 1:14-18, Luke 2:1-7
  • Day 5: Matthew 2:1-23, Luke 2:8-40
  • Day 6: Psalm 98
  • Day 7: Rest & Worship Day

Week Three​

This week, we are going to spend most of our time in the New Testament, looking forward to the second coming of Christ. The readings this week get a bit longer, because well, I had a hard time choosing just a couple of verses. So, just buckle up, and get ready to read 🙂

We’re going to reflect on the truth that Jesus is the Lamb of God. We will reflect on the teachings of Jesus for how we are to live during the waiting. We will give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit working in us and enabling us. And lastly, we will rejoice in the hope that is to come in the second coming of Jesus!​

  • Day 1: John 1:19-35, Matthew 3:1-17, Revelation 5
  • Day 2: Matthew 17:1-13, Isaiah 42:1-9, Hebrews 1:1-4
  • Day 3: John 7:37-44, John 14:15-31, Acts 2
  • Day 4: Matthew 5:13-16, 16:24-28, 25:31-46, John 12:44-50
  • Day 5: Matthew 24:29-31, Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Peter 3:8-13, 1 John 3:2-3, Revelation 11:15-19, 21:1-8
  • Day 6: Psalm 145
  • Day 7: Rest & Worship Day

Grab Your Digital Download Here!

Click the link above and your printable Christmas Advent Reading Plan will open in a new window.

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