20 of the Best Bible Studies for Moms in 2025

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A list of the best Bible studies to encourage moms to grow in their understanding of God’s word. These study guides work well within a small group setting or on your own.

bible and womens bible study guide sitting open on table

Studying your Bible is the best way to deepen your knowledge of God. But the purpose of a bible study isn’t just about being able to remember facts about God.

The purpose is to deepen your faith by having you draw near to God through His Word. When we spend time studying His Word, we read of God’s love and faithfulness. We are reminded of His power and sovereignty. We are moved to worship and prayer as we encounter and think on this things.

As you gain Biblical perspective through studying, the Holy Spirit works within us to refine us for everyday life. The fruits of the Spirit start to grow within us as we nurture them with the very Word of God.

And it’s true that you can absolutely read your Bible without a guided study (the study guide itself is just a tool). But, during busy seasons I have found study guides to be a great way to add structure to my daily quiet time.

So, mama, I hope that you find a helpful tool within this list. Rather you’re a new mom or a seasoned mother, I think there is something for everyone here!

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Women’s Bible Studies for Christian Moms

I pray that whatever study you choose, that your relationship with the Lord is strengthened and your motherhood transformed by His power!

(All book titles are hyperlinked – meaning you can click on the title for easy shopping!)

Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood – Melissa Krueger

The purpose of this study is to help deepen you understanding of your role as a mother. You’ll learn about priorities, entrusting your children to God, and be encouraged to bear fruit in your daily life.

This 11-week study consists of 4 daily Bible study lessons, followed by a 1-day devotional reading. The study guide also includes the Bible verses printed in the book, which is really nice because you can just drop this one book in the diaper bag and go!

Bible, coffee cup, and womens bible study guide sitting on table

Anchored – She Proves Faithful – Lauren Hlushak

I bought this little study book after I had my second son. Between working full-time, sleepless nights, and have two energetic little boys to care for, I was an overwhelmed, weary mom.

I listen to Lauren’s podcast – She Proves Faithful – and I found this study while browsing her webpage.

Instead of only offering practical tips for anxiety relief, Lauren continually points you to the truths found in scripture, and to the only One who can truly heal our anxious hearts.

(At the time of writing this post, the physical copy is unavailable, but you can grab the PDF version for just a few dollars!)

Thrive Mom Bible Study – 3 Part Series – Kara-Kae James, Ali Pedersen

You’ll find 3 different study books in this series, all focused on encouraging busy moms to cling to their relationship with the Lord. Each study guide includes 6 sessions that include 4 daily personal studies with thought provoking questions and prayer prompts.

The 3 titles include Abundance: Discovering a Full Life in Christ, Freedom: Letting Go and Embracing Christ, and Rest: Finding Stillness in the Midst of Busy.

(By the way, I also have this post dedicated to Bible studies that are helpful for new believers. So if that’s you, sister, be sure to browse that post too!)

Mama Bear Apologetics – Study Guide – Hillary Morgan Ferrer

You may have read the book, but did you know there is a study guide to go along with it?

This study guide will help you be prepared to address the secular worldviews that your children will encounter with sound Biblical truth, in love and kindness.

It is not so much a deep dive on the Biblical text as it is a study for developing a plan for your family that is based on Biblical truths. It is an excellent book to work through with your spouse.

“Knowing what is true is the best way to argue against what is false.”

Adorned – Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together – Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

This is a 14-session study guide over the book of Titus 2, meant to accompany the book version of Adorned.

The focus of this study is women equipping women – a call to true, biblical discipleship. While this study may not be focused primarily on mothers, becoming a woman who understands the importance of discipleship is crucial.

Loneliness in motherhood is one of the top struggles I hear about from mothers. Let’s learn to combat that loneliness, in our life and the lives of mothers we know, with the weapon of deep-rooted relationships which leads to sharing the Good News!

Mom Set Free – Jeannie Cunnion

A 7-session study that is meant to help redirect you to the freedom with have in God’s sovereignty. I too easily slip back into the mindset of having to get everything completely perfect or life as we know it is going to fall apart. But that’s just not true.

When we focus back on our all-powerful God, who has everything under His control, we are able to breathe and enjoy the parenting journey more than ever.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses – A Study of Those Who Lived by Faith – Trillia J Newbell

For this study, you’ll be taking a closer look at Hebrews 11. This Bible passage is full of accounts of individuals whose faith carried them through various trials and testing. You reflect on how they navigated their life by faith in God.

The purpose of this study is to encourage you to cling to God, who is always faithful in whatever circumstances you find yourselves.

up close view up bible verse Hebrew 11

On Bended Knee : Praying like Prophets, Warriors, and Kings – Crickett Keeth

Prayer is a lifeline in motherhood – and any Christian life. If we aren’t taking time to seek God in prayer, asking for strength, wisdom, comfort, we will quickly be overcome with stress, worry, and exhaustion.

This 8-week study is meant to lead you in the footsteps of spiritual giants found throughout the Bible. Learn to pray deep, heartfelt prayers like those of Paul, David and even Jesus.

Waiting – A Bible Study on Patience, Hope, and Trust – Sharla Fritz

As mothers, we often find ourselves in situations when waiting in necessary. This Bible study equips you to navigate various situations with patience, hope and trust. By taking a look at the lives of 8 Biblical women, you will learn about surrendering circumstances and desires to the Lord.

Flourish Bible Study Series – Lydia Bronwnback

This series of study guides covers (at this time) 6 different books of the Bible. Each book include 10 weeks of sessions that are perfect for using in a women’s group setting.

While all of these study guides are excellent, my personal choices are the studies on 1-2 Peter (Living Hope in a Hard World), Habakkuk (Learning to Live by Faith) and Philippians (Living for Christ).

Armor of God – Priscilla Shirer

It is no secret that the enemy likes to attack every good thing in our life that he sees flourishing for the glory of God. That includes your motherhood. If we are unarmed, that makes his attack all the easier.

But when we are equipped with the spiritual weapons given to us by God – his schemes will always fail.

This study guide focuses on the Armor of God – and not just knowledge of it, but knowledge of how to put it on. You’ll develop an action plan for actively refuting the lies of the enemy. There is also a video component that you can purchase to go along with this study, and I highly encourage it.

(Hey…do you enjoy free printables? If so – check out these posts that are related to Bible Study: Attributes of God Printable , Free Prayer Journal Printable & Free Printable Bible Study Worksheets!)

Women of the Word – Jen Wilkin

If you want to grow in the knowledge of how to study any book of the Bible, this guide from Jen Wilkin is incredibly helpful.

The subheading of this book is “How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Minds”. This isn’t a topical study guide. Instead it focuses on equipping women so they can confidently go to the Word of God- with or without a guided study.

The practices you develop in this book will set you on the path for lifelong Biblical literacy. You will be better equipped to understand any passage of scripture. And as you grow in your own Biblical literacy, you will be better equipped to teach your children from the Word!

Lies Women Believe – Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

This is a companion guide to go along with the book version of Lies Women Believe. This study guide will have you dig deeper into the topics discussed in the book in a group setting . Even if that’s just one or two other women.

Some of the topics covered are honoring God in your marriage, raising children, setting priorities, dealing with circumstances.

But instead of just discussing your own opinions on a specific topic, you are encouraged to seek out Gods wisdom in navigating them.

Joshua – Wining the Worry Battle – Barb Roose

Worry and uncertainty is everywhere in motherhood. Maybe it’s just me, but I find myself frequently having to fight the feelings of worry of not doing enough to prepare my children for the world. If you find yourself with these same thoughts, you may find this 6-week study to be helpful.

This study goes through the book of Joshua, following the Israelite people as they prepare to enter the promised land. You’ll study how they didn’t just have faith, but they actively fought the worry battle through faith.

bible opened to the book of Joshua

Everyday Theology – Mary Wiley

This 8-session bible study is meant to help you grow in your overall knowledge of Biblical theology. You do this by exploring the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

Why is this important for motherhood? Simply because what we believe matters and impacts every aspect of our life. That includes how we navigate our roles of mothers in the midst of the mundane moments.

Growing Slow – Journey to Un-Hurrying Your Heart – Jennifer Dukes Lee

This six-session study takes a look at what it means to “grow slow” by looking at God’s very own creation – the land around us. Of course, this is something that my simple living, homesteading self loves. But beyond just my personal passions, I think that a life with slow growth is something that we need to be reminded of in our modern, fast-paced, “do it all now or you’re missing out” culture.

There is also a book version that you can grab to go alongside this study.

What is a Motherhood Bible Study?

That’s a good question. The truth is, there aren’t many studies out there that are titled “Bible Study about Motherhood”.

But even if the title doesn’t specifically say it is related to Christian motherhood, there are still many studies that will help you grow in becoming a godly mother.

Because the truth is, as we grow in reflecting God’s own heart, it reaches every aspect of our life – motherhood included!

So when shopping for studies to help you grow in motherhood, rest assured that all spiritual growth is worth pursuing for the glory of God!

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