Christian Motherhood Books You Need to Read in 2023

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Looking for some new books to read this year? This list of Christian Motherhood Books will encourage you to grow in godliness as you learn from the Word of God.

Bible and Christian motherhood books stacked on table

I love the comfort of a good book and a hot cup of coffee. Or maybe it’s not hot anymore, but you get the point.

I particularly love a motherhood book written from a Christian perspective.

Honestly, I wish I would have spent more time reading good quality books during my early motherhood years. Instead, I spent too much time browsing Facebook groups – fueling my anxieties and making me feel inadequate.

But live and learn, right?

My hope for this post is that I can encourage you to fill some of your free time with reading a Christ centered book. A book that will encourage and equip you to embrace motherhood, with all it’s ups and downs.

Let’s get to my list of the best Christian books (I think) moms should read!

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Best Christian Mom Books

3 Christian motherhood books sitting on table

1.M is for Mama – Abbie Halberstadt

This is one of my favorite books on the entire list – and most recently read. So, it wins top spot.

The subheading on this book is “A Rebellion Against Mediocre Motherhood”.

And that’s just what it is. Abbie encourages you, as a daughter of Christ, to be more than the average mama.

This book will challenge you, without shaming you, to look at areas of your motherhood that you may be “settling” for. You are reminded that you are able to rise to the high calling of motherhood that God has given you.

The book is full of scripture that points you back to God. The One who is able to sustain and equip you to be the mother He created you to be.

I think this is just the message that mothers today need to hear. Too many times the message is that motherhood isn’t a worthy calling so you shouldn’t spend time nurturing it. But this book pushes against that with Biblical truth. 

2 & 3. The Lifegiving Parent & Giving Your Words – Sally Clarkson

Sally Clarkson has been in the ministry of encouraging women with Biblical truth for many years. She has written many excellent books over the years that are packed with wisdom, beauty, and truth. While she has numerous books to choose from, I’ll only mention two here.

In The Lifegiving Parent, Sally and her husband Clay, shed light on what is means to create a home where your children will experience the living God.

Giving Your Words is all about creating a Christ centered verbal home. It’s really easy to go throughout busy days (or seasons) without much heartfelt conversation happening. But Sally and Clay share their practical tips on intentionally and personally cultivating a verbal home.

Actually, both of those books aren’t just good for Christian moms, but for Christian parents in general. So if you and your spouse are looking to read a parenting book together, either of those books would be a great choice.

4.Mama Bear Apologetics – Hillary Morgan Ferrer

If you’ve been looking for a book to help you lead your children in forming their own Christian beliefs, you need to grab this book.

You’ll take a look at the lies in our culture – lies that our children are having the process through daily. Even though this book covers topics that may seem overwhelming – like Moral Relativism or Emotionalism – rest assured that it is written in a way that is easy to understand.

As you gain knowledge of the different lies that are prevalent in today’s world, you will learn how to combat them with Truth. Once we, as parents, can rightly understand how to combat these lies, we can then equip our children to process through them as well.

Simply ignoring the lies or not having a reason for why you don’t believe them isn’t sufficient. We have to be prepared to guide our children in God’s Truth in this culture.

(Some of the books in this list have bible studies to go with them – like this Mama Bear Apologetics guide. You can find more Bible Studies for Moms in this guide that I’ve put together!)

5.Obedience Over Hustle – Malinda Fuller

This one is worth reading if you find it hard to slow down and trust God. Slowing down seems to be one of the biggest struggles of our time. Everyone is always in a hurry, always going from place to place, always hustling to finish our to-do list. We start to think we can’t possibly yield to God’s voice. We’re just too busy.

But in this book, Malinda encourages you, with God’s Word, to surrender to His plan and His timing. This book is actually great for Christian women in general.

Bible opened to the book of John sitting on table with coffee cup

6.Idols of a Mothers Heart – Christina Fox

“Even good things can become idols if we give them central importance in life.”

That about sums up the overarching message found in this insightful book. Christina walks you through understanding exactly idolatry is. Next, you look at different ways that we create idols as Christian moms. Many times, without even realizing what we have done. It’s so easy to do in our self-care focused, entitled world.

You’ll find chapters on “The Idol of Children” and “The Idol of Comfort”. Then you look at how you can turn away from those idols and turn your heart back to the one true God.

7.Lies Moms Believe – Rebekah Ann Hargraves

Rebekah Hargraves addresses 32 different lies that moms believe and refutes them with Biblical truth.

You’ll find lies such as “My Identity is to Be Found in Being a Mother” and “Motherhood Has to Be Hard” and many, many other topics. This is a thick book, so be prepared to spend some time digesting all that is discussed.

(Want to check out some of the other Christian resource guides I’ve put together? Here’s a list of Christian Podcasts to help you better understand the Bible and Bible Studies for New Believers!)

8.Desperate – Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson

The subtitle of this book is “Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe”. I so wish I would have found this book after first becoming a mom. I needed the wisdom found here desperately. But even if you’re not a new mom or a first-time mom, you are still sure to find this book encouraging.

You’ll find a story of one mother’s personal experiences of motherhood. All the desperate feelings, all of the unmet expectations. You’ll also find the gentle exhortations of an experienced mentor, that will lead you in ways that you can grow as a mom.

9.Humble Moms – Kristen Wetherell

As Christian mothers, we know that reaching our children’s hearts is the most important thing, but that can often feel impossible in the midst of every day chaos.

In this book, Kristen directs you straight to the source of life himself – Jesus Christ. Instead of pep talks, you’ll find biblical meditations on Christ. You’ll see how Jesus himself sustains our motherhood, and how we can be transformed to love like He does.

10.Risen Motherhood – Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler

Have you ever wondered how Gospel principles to everyday situations? Things like how you choose to educate your children or body image? If so, you need to grab this book. And it really is the perfect book to gift to a new momma as well.

Emily and Laura look at so many topics that affect motherhood, and show you how the Good News applies to them. You’ll quickly see that when we look at motherhood through a gospel focused lens, you can find peace and joy in every moment.

And even if the topic you are dealing with isn’t covered, they give you the framework to do this with anything that may arise.

green and gold Risen Motherhood book sitting on kitchen table

11.Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full – Gloria Furman

This book from Gloria Furman is meant to reorient the busy mother’s heart to Christ. You are encouraged and reminded to draw your strength from Him during the everyday, mundane moments of motherhood.

This isn’t a book full of practical advice with tips and tricks. It is a book that points you to Jesus as the source of all that you could ever need for motherhood.

12.Missional Motherhood – Gloria Furman

Another great book from Gloria Furman that I find so encouraging in relation to the ministry of motherhood.

If you’ve been a mother for any period of time, you probably know what I mean when I say that motherhood can show you how much you need Jesus. As we walk through the days of caring for littles, we are often times brought face to face with sinful and selfish desires.

This book reminds me that motherhood can, and is, used by God to draw women to Himself. It is refining and important work, if we allow it, that will bring us closer to Jesus.

13.Give Them Grace – Elyze Fitzpatrick

This book is written by a mother/daughter team, with the purpose of encouraging parents to lean into grace in their parenting. Instead of the mission of motherhood being “make good kids”, you are given advice on how to show grace in abundance. When we can practice showing grace to our children and show them God’s love. A child’s heart is truly transformed when we parent with Christlike behaviors.

14.Motherhood Without All The Rules – Maggie Combs

This is another book that takes a look at what culture tries to convince us is “right” and compares it with the Word of God. Instead of mothering from rules from the latest Instagram influencer who says you must do X, Y, Z to be a good mother- you are reminded to go to God.

“The prize isn’t Christian children. This prize isn’t perfect motherhood. The prize is a deeper relationship with God on earth, until one day we experience the glory of the perfect fellowship with Him in Heaven.”

This is easily one of those books I can read over and over.

15.Same Here, Sisterfriend – Holly Mackle

This is such a fun, encouraging book for mommas. If you want a book that feels like you’re having an open conversation with best friends about all of the hilarious things that happen in motherhood – this is the book to grab.