Finding Time to Read Your Bible as a Busy Mom
Are you struggling to find time in your days to sit down and read from you Bible? The encouragement and tips in this post will help you get into scripture more, even on those chaotic days.

Motherhood is beautiful. But it can also be overwhelming and tiring at times.
I think one of the things that contributes a lot to our feelings of overwhelm during this busy season is not being rooted strongly in God’s Word.
But how in the world are you supposed to find enough time in your day to sit down and read from your Bible? That’s what this post is going to tackle. I’m going to share practical tips and grace-filled encouragement that has carried me through my seasons of motherhood.
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Understanding the Season You’re In
We’re going to start with a little encouragement, because I know some of you may be feeling down about the lack of time spent reading your Bible here lately.
I want you to remember that this is just a new or different stage of life. It is going to change as children grow or new babies are added to your family. And you know what’s really, really encouraging about all of this?
God ordained it. He knew you would be a mother before you did, and He knew that you would struggle with finding time to read your Bible. Yet He still saw fit for you to be a mother.
That means He knows, and expects, that your Bible reading time isn’t going to be “”perfect””. It’s not going to always be quiet, with cozy blankets and hot coffee. It’s not always going to consist of reading long chapters in one sitting.
So instead of feeling discouraged that you’re not spending enough time in the Bible, I want you to be encouraged to embrace this new, God-given season of life. Know that He will provide exactly what you need in order to stay connected to Him, if you’ll only be faithful to seek after Him.
Now – let’s jump into some practical tips, sister!
Creative Ways to Incorporate Bible Reading as a Mom
Like I just mentioned, the way you used to spend time in the Bible may not work anymore. Between sleepless nights and busy days, it really may be hard to find a big chunk of time to dive into scripture.
But we live in such a wonderful time that even those difficulties cannot stop you from consuming and meditating on God’s Word. Here are some ways to get creative and adapt.
- Involve Your Kids
- This is hands down, the absolute best way to still get into the Bible as a mom. I will be completely transparent here. This was hard for me to embrace in early motherhood. I valued my quiet time hours early in the mornings. If one of my kids woke up, I would put my Bible away because I felt like I couldn’t focus. But now, I trust that God will provide the clarity I need. So, I keep reading, or switch to reading out loud to them, even if it’s much noisier.
- Memorize Scripture
- If you’re not already doing this, scripture memory is an excellent way to recite God’s promises to yourself throughout the day. So even on days when you’re not able to sit down and read, you can still be reminded of His goodness.
- Use Bible Apps or Audio Bibles
- You can listen in the car or while you’re doing dishes. And there are a lot of free Bible apps out there with an audio option, so you don’t even have to pay for a subscription service.
- Wake Up Early / Stay Up Late
- If you’re struggling for sleep, you probably think I’m ridiculous for suggesting this. But even 10-15 minutes earlier or later can make all the difference. That is enough time to read a chapter or two.
Prioritize and Simplifying
No matter how creative we get, the fact still remains that we have to prioritize our spiritual time. We have to treat this time as essential, not optional.
This may mean that you have to cut some things out of your schedule. You may need to do away with social media if it’s eating up all of your free minutes. It’s going to require you taking a good, honest look at your days, and seeing what unnecessary things are taking up all of your time.
I’m willing to bet that once you do that, you’ll be able to find some small blocks of time. Here are a couple of ways that you can take those few minutes to connect with God.
- Focus on small sections of scripture instead of trying to tackle an entire reading plan.
- Use devotionals that have a small section of scripture, followed by a devotional reading to guide you in your prayers.
A Few Free Resources for You
- Simple Bible Reading Checklist Printable – This checklist style Bible reading tracker allows you to see what chapters you have or have not read for the entire Bible!
- Printable Scripture Memory Cards – These cards are perfect for memorizing small sections of scripture to recite to yourself of the busy days.
- Devotional Books for Moms – Find a new devotional book that encourages you through God’s word in the small pockets of time you have each day.
Building a Sustainable Routine
Ok, all these ideas are great, but how do we stay consistent? How do we not stick to this for one week and then fall off again?
First, we’re realistic with our plans. That’s what I just mentioned above in the simplifying section. Can we confidently carve out a thirty-minute block to read our Bible each day? Great!
Or are we going to be reading while we sit on the living room floor and our toddlers are “helping” us? If so, you may need to plan for shorter readings, using an audio Bibles, or something along those lines.
Also, you’ll be more likely to stick with your Bible reading plans if you do one of these two things:
- Set an alarm for a specific time to read.
- Pair Bible time with existing habits, like over breakfast, during naps, etc.
Grace, grace and more grace
Lastly, I want you to hear me out. Accept the grace that God so generously and lovingly pours out on us.
We should never take advantage of or abuse God’s grace towards us. So, I’m not saying just do what you want with your days and accept the gift of God’s grace.
But, if you are truly desiring to seek the Lord and be a good steward of your time, know that He sees your efforts. He wants to sustain and provide for you. He doesn’t want you to run away from Him in shame because you aren’t “doing enough”.
So, give thanks to God for grace, ask Him to open your eyes to the ways that you can honor Him with your time during this busy season, and keep on running the race set before you.